Why a restaurant voucher is one of the nicest things you can gift someone

There’s no easy road to finding the perfect present for a friend or family member. Brain whirring through all the possibilities of books, wine, jewellery, art, sweet treats, plants, sports gear and other tried and true options, but nothing feels quite right. Sometimes it seems like every birthday, Christmas or special occasion makes it harder to come up with something heartfelt and original for those you love.

While buying a voucher can sometimes be perceived as a cop-out when you can’t think of anything else, that’s not necessarily true of dining-out vouchers, especially in challenging financial times like these. In fact, this year a Dinefind voucher might be the nicest thing you can give someone - so many people are battling interest rate rises, eye-watering grocery bills and petrol costs that beggar belief and this means eating out is often a luxury that needs to be cut. Is that daily cup of coffee really necessary? Can you really afford to treat yourself to lunch out after a tough week? Is it actually feasible to take your family out for a nice meal without eating into the grocery or petrol money?

A gift voucher is the perfect present for those needing a bit of light relief from their woes, giving the recipient guilt-free enjoyment time, and a break from stress. That two hours of drinks and shared plates with their friend at their local, or being able to take their Mum out for high tea or Dad out for a beer could mean more to their mental health than you’ll ever know.

And that’s not the only bonus; these have been some of the toughest years the hospitality industry has seen. Even some of the most well-known eateries have had more quiet nights than they would like. Buying that voucher also means great things for them - a fuller dining room and better takings for that night. And all this from a gift you can pick up at your local supermarket or online without setting foot in a crazy mall or wrangling even one piece of cellophane or ribbon.

So this year, give the gift of stress-free indulgence to someone you treasure, and help out a cafe, bar or restaurant at the same time.

Restaurant Association of New Zealand
45 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
PO Box 8287, Symonds Street
Auckland, New Zealand
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